Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Why People Fail

I'm going out on a line here to say that this article today written by one of my mentors, Dan Kennedy. This letter can have a very BIG impact on your progress in your business IF you read it closely and IF you are brave enough to take inventory on your behavior and see if you're falling into this "trap"..... 

In case you may not be familiar with Dan Kennedy, he is the most sought after marketing strategist and copywriter in the United States, the brains behind many famous infomercials and even a few Super Bowl commercials. Known in many circles as the Millionaire Maker and/or The Professor of Harsh Reality, he now consults for no less than $17,000.00 'per day' and has a waiting list over a year long, if there are even spots available, which is doubtful. That should sum it up. 

Why People Fail
A Series Of No B.S. Articles From Dan Kennedy

We are very, very sloppy with language.

Consider the word "can't." People use it often, casually, and, mostly, inaccurately.

As in: I just can't seem to lose weight. Actually, barring a genuine medical disorder, the odds against somewhere in the 25,000 to 1 range, anybody can, in fact, lose weight. There's no mystery to it whatsoever. Reduce calorie, fat, and empty carb intake, add exercise. The accurate word replacing can't here would be choose. I just seem to choose not to lose weight. I choose to remain fat, ugly, unhealthy.

I'm not a theologian, but I recall one of those bothersome commandments brought down from the mountain having to do with not lying. I know a lot of people who profess belief in those ten, yet lie like dogs daily to themselves. You'd think we could at least manage some private honesty with self.

In my businesses - publishing, consulting, coaching, and training - quite a few people excuse themselves from doing the things necessary to be successful. In 30 years, I imagine I've heard every excuse. Most quitters aren't very imaginative, so even the 30 year list is short. There's the old story of the guy asking his neighbor to borrow his tractor. His neighbor says: "Can't let ya. There's a horrible drought in Kansas." The puzzled guy says, a little irritated, "We're in Iowa. What the heck does the drought in Kansas have to do with me using your tractor?" And the farmer says: "When a man doesn't want to lend out his tractor, one excuse is just as good as another."

Whoever publishes the piece in which you find this series of Why People Fail articles is just like me and every coach, karate instructor, art teacher, personal trainer, business advisor; he, we, hear a lot of quitters' excuses. One of the saddest is "I can't afford it."

My friend, the late Jim Rohn, a world class success teacher, has famously said: "Rich people have big libraries. Poor people have big TV's." Somebody visiting one of my homes said, "It must be nice to be able to afford to buy and own all these books" (there are thousands). I said, "It is - but a good number of them were bought when I couldn't afford them."

They are cause, not effect. When Houdini moved from his country home to the city, it required five full-size moving vans just for his library of books about magic, performance, psychology and salesmanship. He did not acquire his library after becoming Houdini. He acquired it in becoming Houdini. Personally, years back, I found it less harmful to not afford a meal than to not afford information.

If you mean it as a drought in Kansas excuse to exit a place you decide you don't belong, a program for progress and success you refuse to stick to and apply yourself to, it really isn't necessary to fib to anyone or to yourself. Frankly, we don't care, and you do yourself no good with the dishonesty. If you sincerely believe you can't afford to acquire the information that leads so many to success, you might inspect what you do afford - your daily Starbucks run, your cigarettes, your nights out with friends. Super entrepreneur Gene Simmons (KISS) wrote that anyone under 30 and not yet rich even thinking about taking a vacation should be shot. Anyone saying "I can't afford it" to the tools, support and direction needed to get to position where they no longer need proffer such sad excuse needs a good old fashioned, back out behind the barn butt-whipping. In my opinion. At least be honest. Look in the mirror and say: I choose not to afford it.

Final note from George Walters;

The first time I read this, I was at the lake looking out over the water and thought to myself how fortunate I was to have been introduced to the thought process of "I Can!" That was many years ago.
Thank you Tony Robbins...
Don't take this letter lightly and respect yourself enough to explore the possibilities available to you.
Everyone has has access to resources that can help them discover what they are capable of becoming.
We all have the ability to achieve our greatest dreams and aspirations. It all happens once you decide it will.
To your Success
George Walters


  1. This is an excellent subject that you are sharing.

    I believe two of the biggest reasons individuals fail is that they 1. Do not believe they can actually get the results theya are after. and 2. They do not feel good about what they are doing to get those results.

    If you like Napoleon Hill you might be interested to know that you can purchase a 14 CD set based on the true techniques used by the ultra successful and ultra wealthy to get everything they desire... with these CDs come several bonuses including a copy of the original and unedited manuscript of Think And Grow Rich. Napoleon Hill was actually influenced by some of his colleagues to restrict what would be published and revealed to the public. This is a great version of the book and when you start reading make sure you have the entire day free you won't want to put it down. http://bit.ly/lbw0H4

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    To join as an affiliate or member enter the code "goneplatinum" all as one word without quotes.

    Make it a great and prosperous day!


  2. Sorry for not responding sooner. I was in the process of posting a link back to this page on a new blog post I just did. I agree one hundred % with what you have to say. As far as Napoleon Hill. Think and Grow Rich is the book that started it all for me. Get This... I was in an antique store a couple of years ago and I love old books so I was looking through the books while my wife went around and spent alot of money. "Ha" Low and behold, here are 2 hardcover copies of T and G R. I open them up "perfect condition by the way" They are both first editions. Drum roll please! I paid a total of $2 for both. Got home, looked up to see what they go for online... Drum Roll please, they go for 12 to 13 hundred a piece. "SCORE" I love them and will never sell them. Thanks again for the feed back. George Walters http://WhoIsGeorgeWalters.com
