Friday, December 16, 2011

Theres only a few hours left to make the most important financial decision of your life. Your going to miss out!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Make buckets of money bloggings, simple steps
Make Buckets Of Money Blogging
Go Here“simple-blogging-tips-for-newbies”/

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The power of persuassion, how do you achieve it? Go here to learn from the best

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Secrets o the Millionaire Mind Newsletter ... Free

In these economic times this email I received is so important I posted it here on my blog
Don't miss out on this extremely important  free information from T. Harv. Eker the author of
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
From The Inside, George

From: T. Harv Eker
Re: My weekly lessons – now available to you complimentary.

Hi George,

There are two types of people in this world - those who dream of taking action
and those who take action.

Which One Are You?

One is the rare kind – very rare —they are ferociously hungry to learn, they are
an expert at taking action by using what they learn to make changes in their lives.

They don’t follow the crowd because they know the crowd will not lead them to
their own potential. They follow the tools and mentors that have "been there and
done that."

The other kind is the person who does not ask powerful questions and does not
act on the very thing they know will help them the most. They stay… comfortable.
But deep inside they know they are not living the best version of themselves.

So are you the type to take action?

Are you the type who chooses to take your life to a whole new level?

If so, I want to give you access to my “Unlock Your Full Potential” weekly lessons,

To get complimentary access, go here:

Each week my lessons will teach you:
• Real life ideas and insights from my own experience, so you can take action on
them in your life. Areas such as; business, career, relationships, health, money, and
spiritual/personal growth.
• How to change your mindset so you reach the next level of success.
• Why focusing on your gifts and being authentic is a fundamental force people share
who make the biggest impact on others.
• Qualities that multi-millionaires share (by the way, 80% of them are self-made!).
• And much, much more.

It’s the best-of-the-best of what I have to give.

So to get complimentary access, go here:

Don't miss the next lesson - it may be the exact one you need most right now...

For your freedom,
T. Harv Eker

P.S. I know you are bombarded by emails. Don't let this one pass you by. It
will take less than 1 minute to let me know you are serious… if you are, go here
to get access:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

No Decision... Will Eat You Alive!

First of all, I'm writing this message
as a result of a conversation I just had,
it was my 5th conversation with ... 
let's call him DK
He was very excited to start making money, 
quit his job, pay off his bills (mostly credit 
card debt) and become his own boss.
DK told me for the 5th time...
Maybe I should do this.
Maybe this would work for me
Maybe I could quit my job
Maybe I could get out of debt.
Maybe I could be my own boss
I’m sorry DK, in the world we live in maybe
just doesn’t cut the mustard. Maybe has never
netted anyone anything other then what they 
already possess.

He told me that he desperately wanted to be 
at home with his wife and kids more often, 
start working out again, fish & golf with some 
of his buddies and to finally get off the
living from month to month financial ferris wheel.

Well, as excited as he was, when asked if he 
wanted to get started... here was his stock answer
and it’s kind of funny because I’ve become
conditioned to expect it.
He rattles all these things off without taking a breath
We’ll, I think I’m going to run through the information 
one more time.
I also need to  jump on one more training call 
and besides I’m not sure if now is the right time.
These conversations have taken place over 2 years.
DK, what else is there in the information that you 
don’t understand? How many training calls do you 
have to jump on, because you’re not positioned to 
apply any of it? When is the right time, after you win 
the lottery? We’ll if you won the lottery you wouldn’t 
need us. 
I’ll tell you what the issue is. His inability to make a decision.
Webster’s definition of decision:
  1. A determination arrived at after consideration.
  2. A report of conclusion.
  3. Promptness and firmness in deciding.
  4. To cut off all other possibilities.
Don’t get me wrong, DK is a great guy, loves 
his family, wants more out of life. Much like
the dozens of people I talk to on a weekly
and monthly basis. I actually like talking with 
these people, maybe because I just like people.
But think about this... after talking to DK for 2
years he is actually worse off today then when 
we first started talking. Kinda sad isn’t it? Where 
might he be if he could just make the decision I
know he so desperately wants to make.
People hope that something will just magically 
change there current circumstances for the better. 
A rich relative leaves them a fortune, 
win the lottery or maybe a brinks truck will flip 
over and as it’s flipping down the road a bag of money fly’s
into your car window. What a stroke of luck!
Things Won’t Change Until You DECIDE To Change
 Here’s both the problem and solution;
Go look in the mirror and you'll be staring at both the problem AND 
the solution.

You want accountability to someone? 

Start with YOU.
When do you quit smoking? The 14 years that you say, I think I should quit
NOOO! The moment you decide to never smoke again, never take another drag.
In that moment you quit smoking. 
When do you lose that 30 lbs. that has been hanging around for 15 years?
The seven years you have been talking about joining that club
and get back to your high school weight?
NOOO! The moment you decide no more, put down that piece of cheese cake and won’t do this to yourself anymore, at that moment the weight loss just became a forgone conclusion.
Tony Robbins, one of the greatest leadership coaches alive today did a short video on the subject of decisions, I urge you to watch it. Now, I know it’s a big DECISION to watch it, but DECIDE and watch it!
If you want to change something bad enough, it’s going to require you make some decisions. Don’t stay in the forever maybe zone, it will eat you alive. Even if your decision is no, good for you because that now opens up other possibilities that will move you in a positive direction.

Be in touch again soon

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What's the 2 simple differences between someone who makes $50k a year and $500K a year? Find out here

“How To Win The War Between Your Ears”

A study at Franklin Quest, the highly successful company that directs success seminars and maker of the world renowned Franklin planner
brought in experts to find out the differences between sales people that earn 500K a yr. and those that earn 50K a yr.

There were only two differences.
1.    Interpersonal astuteness; the ability to follow others who have achieved what they would like to and understanding the needs of their clients.
2.    This one kills me; they read 2 books a month on personal growth. “That’s It”
Guess what group excelled in these 2 areas.
Readers are leaders, leaders are readers. Learners are earners, Earners are learners.

“Lead Your Own Life”
If You Want To Have More, You Have To Become More
Quote; Jim Rohn
As you become more, you now have the opportunity to respect those who taught you by sharing that knowledge. The more you know, the more you move forward with faith “Confidence” Without that belief in your abilities, in your skills… nothing is going to happen.

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.  ~Anthony Robbins

Were presented with choices everyday. We choose our attitude; we can choose to get the most from this day, to read 20 pages of a great book, how we treat others and we can choose to focus on what we are grateful for. I got up, walked my dogs, went and worked out, returned some business calls, read 20 pages of a great book, had diner with my wife Aimee and now I am writing this article and the evening is still ahead. How was your day?
Here is one of the most life changing ah ha's I've ever had, taught by Tony Robbins himself. "The Power Of Questions"

Earl Nightingale

What are you passionate about? What gets you up in the morning, ready to jump in, make some progress, work on your business, improve a relationship, improve your health, etc, etc. You see, passion is not about the ability to start something; it’s about finishing. We start a book, read 2 chapters and never finish. We go to the gym 3 times in pursuit of that 20lb weight loss and then make excuses why we don’t continue. We start a business, get frustrated the 2nd day and shelf it. What is it that makes humans so willing to start things but never finish?

Shoot for the moon.  Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.  ~Les Brown

We can only expect what we inspect. You don’t write down goals to improve you’re writing skills. You should write down a goal, starting with the end in mind. Work backwards and write down all the steps it will take to achieve the goal.
Goal; I will lose 20lb. in 30 days.
See your slimmer healthier self in your minds eye.
1.    I will cut deserts from my meals 6 days a week, while 1 day I will allow myself to indulge.
2.    I will replace snacking on chips with a healthier replacement like apples, carrots etc. You get the idea.
3.    I will weigh myself every morning.
4.    I will eat more frequent meals with less food per meal.

One could add many more steps but if your not use to setting goals, the simpler the better.

Here is the key:
1.    This probably the most important; keep some kind of note pad to track your progress. If you don’t see the progress, we humans get discouraged easily.
2.    Keep your goals were you can see them so you can read them once in the morning and once at night.
3.    Every day that you stick to your plan… Celebrate, acknowledge your progress, do something that stirs very positive emotions. We humans love rewards and acknowledgement and we don’t do it enough for ourselves. Now you have psychologically set yourself up to win.
4.    At the end of the month or whatever time frame you have set and you have achieved your goal, do something extra special for yourself and this should have been decided at the beginning before you even started with day one.
You can do this with literally anything you set your sights on. You have the ability to become a Goal Achieving machine.
None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper, which is heard by him alone.
Ralph Waldo Emmerson
This can be a double edge sword. We all talk to ourselves inside our own heads. There is usually one of two conversations going on in our head when we are thinking of doing something to improve our circumstances.
Either we have the voice that tells us all the reasons we can’t do something… I’m to old, I’m to young, I’m not smart enough, I don’t have enough money, etc, etc. You get my point. These are all conditioned responses from past negative programming, weather it be your parents, friends, teachers or the nightly news telling you what’s not possible. It doesn’t matter. What a person needs to do is look at the proof out there of regular people like you and me succeeding in ways even they could not have imagined. Many had circumstances that make your own excuses look like a stubbed toe.
Or we have the voice that creates the picture of your burning desire. You know the vision you have after you buy a lottery ticket or ask yourself, how would I live if I were rich. Do you know that the vision that comes to your mind is more then likely with in your reach if you only acted on it? That’s worth saying again. Do you know that the vision that comes to your mind is more then likely with in your reach if you only acted on it? This question in itself will reveal a lot. When you read the question, what comes to mind? Was it, that could never happen for me, that only happens to other people or something of that nature? Or was it, you know maybe if I found the right thing, learned from people who have already achieved what I want, maybe, just maybe it will happen for me.
The truth of the matter is: Henry Ford once said, If you think you can or if you think you can’t, either way you’re right.
I learned along time ago that I had to be the gatekeeper to my own mind. Do you read inspiring, instructional, motivational books? Do you surround yourself with people that support your dreams or pee on your cereal? Everything you need to know to become an overwhelming success at anything is already out there. The only ingredient missing is you. Here are some of the free resources I use to keep my thinking straight.
Here is another great article for some guidance if your looking to build an income from home MLM - New Rules For Success In 2011

About George Walters: I'm an Internet Marketing success coach, Social Marketing, Copywriting, Email Marketing and a Certified Consultant for a private Financial Education company. I'm a Husband, Father, lover of the outdoors, Dog lover, Fishing is my passion;

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Great article, How To Market to Gen-Yers. A Need to know in Success Mag Go here
Great article how To market to Gen-Yers Important info from my friend at Success Mag, Darren Hardy
Go here

Mining the Millennials

Millennials, also known as Gen Y-ers (80 million, born between 1980 and 1995), were raised by overly doting parents who coddled their self-esteem like fragile Fabergé eggs. They played in little leagues where the score wasn't kept and where everyone was a winner and everyone got a trophy for just showing up.
Having hired, worked with and trained many, I had concluded that millennials were simply lazy, undisciplined, unmotivated, over-entitled and disengaged, with the attention span of goldfish.
Then I joined the Board of Directors of an organization called Invisible Children, founded by and made up entirely of millennials. I was quickly humbled to the fact that it is not that they are unmotivated, inattentive or disengaged—they were just unmotivated, inattentive and disengaged in working for ME!
The three leaders behind Invisible Children and their mostly volunteer army of incredibly motivated, hard-working and passionately engaged millennials have pulled off achievements in the last half dozen years that even SUCCESS hasn't in the last 116 years. They have organized marches on Washington, simultaneous overnight rallies of millions of people in over 100 cities worldwide and pulled off wild stunts to get themselves on the Oprah show (which they did three times!). They even wrote a bill that they personally pushed through the Senate and Congress all the way to the Oval Office and stood there while the President of the United States signed it. You cannot tell me this is an unmotivated, lazy and unfocused generation anymore.
Having seen the talent, passion and capabilities of the millennials up-close, I now believe they pose one of the greatest strategic opportunities for companies today, if... CLICK HERE TO READ REST OF POST

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Is It Time To Recommit To Wealth?... Or Not, Your Choice.

Time To Recommit To Wealth... Or Not, Your Choice

A quick word on "Thinking Like The Rich"...

I think we, as Entrepreneurs, we get so caught up in our sales and marketing efforts that we don't spend  enough time with our personal finance and money management efforts. It's common. It's human nature to think about financial issues after a certain amount of money is made. But that can be backward thinking actually. That's not how the truly rich think.

I've found that laying the foundation for building wealth must come simultaneously, not after you make all kinds of money. So if you've gotten away from core personal finace and money management habits, perhaps because of the turbulent economic times we are in, this blog post, from the world's undisputed #1 personal finance expert, will help you get back on track and recommit to wealth. Mark my words. 

Now let's get into the meat....

"Recommit To Wealth" By David Bach

If you're not familiar with David Bach, he is the world's undisputed #1 personal finance expert and '9-time' New York Times best-selling author of the Finish Rich series. He is best known for "The Automatic Millionaire," with almost 10-million books in print, and the one that landed him on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

And now, he's soon to be a '10-time' New York Times best-selling author with his newest book for 2011 "Debt Free For Life," just last week reaching the New York Times best-seller list and now on every book store shelf and on every airport book store shelf in the US. Those are some serious credentials.

When David talks, smart people who care about money listen.

So in this week's blog,   I'm taking you inside the world of smart money management so you can weather any financial storm. Because it's never too late to commit or "recommit" to wealth....

Watch our new round-table video hot out of the studio by clicking on the image below...

"You can't Finish Rich if you give up when the race gets tough"
Is it possible to finish rich anymore?

Early in the summer of 2009, I was walking in Manhattan when a woman I didn’t know stepped in front of me. “You’re David Bach, aren’t you?” she asked. When I admitted I was, she told me her name was Georgia and that she had read nearly all my books. I grinned and, as I always do when I meet a reader, I asked her, “Have my books helped you?” “Yes,” she said, “a ton.” But then she stopped....

“You know, I was doing great. I felt like I was finally on track and was doing everything right. But now it’s all falling apart. You see, about five years ago, I had nothing and I was looking to get my financial life on track. So I read your books and got going. I started ‘paying myself first.’ I signed up for my 401(k) plan at work. I saved 10 percent of my income, just like you said, and I set up a college savings account for my daughter. I had nearly $70,000 in savings, plus six months’ worth of expenses set aside in an emergency account. And I had finally paid off my credit cards. Even better, I bought a house, then rented it out and bought a second home that I live in today." 

The thing is,” she said, “now it feels like it was all for nothing.” 

As a result of the stock market slump, Georgia’s 401(k) account dropped by more than a third, along with the balance in the 529 plan she had started for her daughter’s education. At the same time, her house declined so much in value that it was barely worth what she owed on her mortgage. The guy who was renting her other house lost his job and was way behind on the rent. And she herself had suffered a pay cut, which forced her to dip into her security account, the balance of which was rapidly dwindling. 

Georgia looked up at me and sighed. “Is it even worth it to try and start over?” 

Georgia’s story hit me at my core. That’s because her story, or some variation of it, is shared by millions of Americans. I assured her that the course she had been on was the right one and to stop saving now would be a huge mistake. I said that real estate values go up and down and back up again. I pointed out that the whole point of having an emergency fund is to draw on it in an emergency, so the fact that she was doing that wasn’t a bad thing. To the contrary, it meant that her financial plan was working exactly as it was intended. And I suggested that she was way more in control of her future than she realized.

Recessions are gut-shattering, and they take a long time to recover from. But we do recover. The aftermath of a recession is the ideal environment in which to lay the foundation for a secure, financially independent future. Both real estate values and stock prices are still way below the peaks they hit in 2006 and 2007. In other words, there are bargains -- in some cases, phenomenal bargains to be had. Recessions can be a great time to reset your financial life, your goals and your values. Yes, you can start over (or get started) and, yes, you can still finish rich, even in this economy. But you can’t start over and finish rich if you give up. As I told Georgia, this is not the time to quit. This is the time to get started again.

- David Bach
9-time New York Times Best Selling Author

Words of wisdom from one of the brightest financial minds of our time.

My team has just formed an exclusive licensing agreement with David Bach to launch a brand NEW, step-by-step program literally designed to create Millionaires, Automatically. This is months and months in the making and is the "first-ever" master plan for anyone to significantly increase their cash flow and ultimatelyFinish Rich, regardless of their age, background, or experience in business or finance.

You can learn more about it and watch David Bach's All-New video where he explains his groundbreaking NEW program in detail right HERE. I must say, this is Truly life changing.

Best, George Walters

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Butt Kicking Article by Dan Kennedy. A Must read. "Why People Fail"

Why People Fail

I'm going out on a line here to say that this article today written by one of my mentors, Dan Kennedy. This letter can have a very BIG impact on your progress in your business IF you read it closely and IF you are brave enough to take inventory on your behavior and see if you're falling into this "trap"..... 

In case you may not be familiar with Dan Kennedy, he is the most sought after marketing strategist and copywriter in the United States, the brains behind many famous infomercials and even a few Super Bowl commercials. Known in many circles as the Millionaire Maker and/or The Professor of Harsh Reality, he now consults for no less than $17,000.00 'per day' and has a waiting list over a year long, if there are even spots available, which is doubtful. That should sum it up. 

Why People Fail
A Series Of No B.S. Articles From Dan Kennedy

We are very, very sloppy with language.

Consider the word "can't." People use it often, casually, and, mostly, inaccurately.

As in: I just can't seem to lose weight. Actually, barring a genuine medical disorder, the odds against somewhere in the 25,000 to 1 range, anybody can, in fact, lose weight. There's no mystery to it whatsoever. Reduce calorie, fat, and empty carb intake, add exercise. The accurate word replacing can't here would be choose. I just seem to choose not to lose weight. I choose to remain fat, ugly, unhealthy.

I'm not a theologian, but I recall one of those bothersome commandments brought down from the mountain having to do with not lying. I know a lot of people who profess belief in those ten, yet lie like dogs daily to themselves. You'd think we could at least manage some private honesty with self.

In my businesses - publishing, consulting, coaching, and training - quite a few people excuse themselves from doing the things necessary to be successful. In 30 years, I imagine I've heard every excuse. Most quitters aren't very imaginative, so even the 30 year list is short. There's the old story of the guy asking his neighbor to borrow his tractor. His neighbor says: "Can't let ya. There's a horrible drought in Kansas." The puzzled guy says, a little irritated, "We're in Iowa. What the heck does the drought in Kansas have to do with me using your tractor?" And the farmer says: "When a man doesn't want to lend out his tractor, one excuse is just as good as another."

Whoever publishes the piece in which you find this series of Why People Fail articles is just like me and every coach, karate instructor, art teacher, personal trainer, business advisor; he, we, hear a lot of quitters' excuses. One of the saddest is "I can't afford it."

My friend, the late Jim Rohn, a world class success teacher, has famously said: "Rich people have big libraries. Poor people have big TV's." Somebody visiting one of my homes said, "It must be nice to be able to afford to buy and own all these books" (there are thousands). I said, "It is - but a good number of them were bought when I couldn't afford them."

They are cause, not effect. When Houdini moved from his country home to the city, it required five full-size moving vans just for his library of books about magic, performance, psychology and salesmanship. He did not acquire his library after becoming Houdini. He acquired it in becoming Houdini. Personally, years back, I found it less harmful to not afford a meal than to not afford information.

If you mean it as a drought in Kansas excuse to exit a place you decide you don't belong, a program for progress and success you refuse to stick to and apply yourself to, it really isn't necessary to fib to anyone or to yourself. Frankly, we don't care, and you do yourself no good with the dishonesty. If you sincerely believe you can't afford to acquire the information that leads so many to success, you might inspect what you do afford - your daily Starbucks run, your cigarettes, your nights out with friends. Super entrepreneur Gene Simmons (KISS) wrote that anyone under 30 and not yet rich even thinking about taking a vacation should be shot. Anyone saying "I can't afford it" to the tools, support and direction needed to get to position where they no longer need proffer such sad excuse needs a good old fashioned, back out behind the barn butt-whipping. In my opinion. At least be honest. Look in the mirror and say: I choose not to afford it.

Final note from George Walters;

The first time I read this, I was at the lake looking out over the water and thought to myself how fortunate I was to have been introduced to the thought process of "I Can!" That was many years ago.
Thank you Tony Robbins...
Don't take this letter lightly and respect yourself enough to explore the possibilities available to you.
Everyone has has access to resources that can help them discover what they are capable of becoming.
We all have the ability to achieve our greatest dreams and aspirations. It all happens once you decide it will.
To your Success
George Walters

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The 8 Essential Keys to Making Money Online

The 8 Essential Keys to Making Money Online


1. "Why" Why are you doing this? Write down what's driving you to do this.
"More then just money" Speak in will, not I would like to. You may be saying, I don't need to write it down or I've herd this before, I know why I want to have a successful home business. It's about clarity and focus. Studies show that when you write something down, the action of doing so triggers a different part of your brain and locks it in alot stronger then if you don't write it down. As Nike says; "Just Do It!"

Example; I will build my online business to $35,000 a month so...

I will be home with my children and I can raise them with my beliefs and values, not those of a day care center. I will attend all my children's school functions. My children will attend the colleges we choose.

I will give generously to the charity or church of my choice without worry. I will be able to help out other family members not only financially but give them some guidance to allow them to help themselves.

I will spend the summer at my lake home because of the portability of my business and pursue my passion... "Fishing"

I will hire the best golf coach and play 5 times a week and master it.

I will set up a retirement plan that will allow me "our family" to live out my years worry free of any financial issues.

I will set up a trust fund for my children that will be my legacy to them. This will allow them to make choices that they may have not been able to make. Get the point...


2. You must be able to plug into an existing marketing system. A system that has resources that are ready for you to plug into. Proven web pages that convert into customers, follow up systems and in house training from proven 6 and 7 figure income earners. To many people let their egos convince them that they can figure it out on their own. Let me ask you a question, if you were going to start a car manufacturing company, would you use all the technology available today or would you just figure it out on your own? Now that may sound like a stupid question but why not learn from people who have already gone on to succeed before you. Learn and apply simultaneously, in other words use recorded webinars, conference calls and so on as instructional classes and when they say do this, pause the webinar and go do it. It doesn't matter how much you know, it's what you apply.


3. Find a mentor; nothing great has ever been accomplish by ones self. You need a mentor/support system you can connect with, someone that can shorten your learning curve. You also want to be part of a group that is constantly challenging you to help you move forward.

"Plan Of Action"

4. Make a plan of action, make a schedule that you can keep and keep it. Choose a marketing strategy, focus and do it... Video, article, blogging, banners, PPC, Social networking, etc... focus on one and master it. It should be 97% automated at this point, then and only then do you add another. It's real easy to become distracted on the Internet. Focus, Focus, Focus
"Rinse and Repeat"
You may have to get up a little earlier and go to bed a little later but isn't your future worth it? I could never explain in words what the pay off feels like because it's a feeling that is different for each individual but it is universally awesome!

"Learn And Grow"

5.Read minimum a chapter a day of an instructional, inspirational or motivational book every day. This will put you in the top 97% of readers in this country. Readers are leaders and Leaders are readers.

"Correct Focus"

6. This is really important. When I started, I knew nothing about online marketing. I was excited and enthusiastic about what was possible. The first day I felt like I was learning some sort of martian language. My excitement and enthusiasm had turned into frustration and yes, alot of cursing. Now, I have to give credit to my wife here. After several hours I came out of my office looking a little gray in the skin and she asked me what was wrong? I started to explain how I was having a hard time understanding what these people were talking about. Hell! I didn't even know what a URL was. She brought me back to the computer and asked me to show her what new things I did learn. I proceeded to explain all these things that I now understood, that just a few hours earlier I had no clue about. "My Point" Don't focus on what you don't know or understand, focus on what you have learned, pat yourself on the back and keep moving forward. You will quickly come to realize this is not Rocket Science. What you can learn from the right trainers, in 30,60,90 days can earn you a full time income or more. Then you keep moving up from there.

"Take A Break"

7. Also understand that countless studies show that we can focus in on something for about 90 minutes at which point we begin to learn less and less. Focus for 90 minutes at the task at hand then get up and do something else that totally takes your mind else where.

If I am at the lake, I will get up and go down to lake and fish for awhile to clear my mind.

8. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP!! "Winston Churchill"

Print this, your Why and a schedule that you will stick to and keep it somewhere you can see it while you are working on your business. Read it everyday

Now! Go get what you deserve, live life by your rules, not someone else's It's all here for the taking.

About George Walters: I'm an Internet Marketing success coach, Social Marketing, Copywriting, Email Marketing and a Certified Consultant for a private Financial Education company. I'm a Husband, Father, lover of the outdoors, Dog lover, Fishing is my passion;

Friday, February 11, 2011

How Almost Anyone Can Become an Automatic Millionaire®..? Must see video

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

MLM – New Rules For Success In 2011

"All MLM's Are The Same"

This was the mantra I heard from everyone I know personally about Home based Businesses and MLM, yes, even my mom. Of course none of these people had ever tried to build a HB business. They were all like parrots repeating what they had heard.

"Did It Discourage Me?" Read the rest Here

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A great New Years message from my friend at Success Magazine; Go here