Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What's the 2 simple differences between someone who makes $50k a year and $500K a year? Find out here

“How To Win The War Between Your Ears”

A study at Franklin Quest, the highly successful company that directs success seminars and maker of the world renowned Franklin planner
brought in experts to find out the differences between sales people that earn 500K a yr. and those that earn 50K a yr.

There were only two differences.
1.    Interpersonal astuteness; the ability to follow others who have achieved what they would like to and understanding the needs of their clients.
2.    This one kills me; they read 2 books a month on personal growth. “That’s It”
Guess what group excelled in these 2 areas.
Readers are leaders, leaders are readers. Learners are earners, Earners are learners.

“Lead Your Own Life”
If You Want To Have More, You Have To Become More
Quote; Jim Rohn
As you become more, you now have the opportunity to respect those who taught you by sharing that knowledge. The more you know, the more you move forward with faith “Confidence” Without that belief in your abilities, in your skills… nothing is going to happen.

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.  ~Anthony Robbins

Were presented with choices everyday. We choose our attitude; we can choose to get the most from this day, to read 20 pages of a great book, how we treat others and we can choose to focus on what we are grateful for. I got up, walked my dogs, went and worked out, returned some business calls, read 20 pages of a great book, had diner with my wife Aimee and now I am writing this article and the evening is still ahead. How was your day?
Here is one of the most life changing ah ha's I've ever had, taught by Tony Robbins himself. "The Power Of Questions"

Earl Nightingale

What are you passionate about? What gets you up in the morning, ready to jump in, make some progress, work on your business, improve a relationship, improve your health, etc, etc. You see, passion is not about the ability to start something; it’s about finishing. We start a book, read 2 chapters and never finish. We go to the gym 3 times in pursuit of that 20lb weight loss and then make excuses why we don’t continue. We start a business, get frustrated the 2nd day and shelf it. What is it that makes humans so willing to start things but never finish?

Shoot for the moon.  Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.  ~Les Brown

We can only expect what we inspect. You don’t write down goals to improve you’re writing skills. You should write down a goal, starting with the end in mind. Work backwards and write down all the steps it will take to achieve the goal.
Goal; I will lose 20lb. in 30 days.
See your slimmer healthier self in your minds eye.
1.    I will cut deserts from my meals 6 days a week, while 1 day I will allow myself to indulge.
2.    I will replace snacking on chips with a healthier replacement like apples, carrots etc. You get the idea.
3.    I will weigh myself every morning.
4.    I will eat more frequent meals with less food per meal.

One could add many more steps but if your not use to setting goals, the simpler the better.

Here is the key:
1.    This probably the most important; keep some kind of note pad to track your progress. If you don’t see the progress, we humans get discouraged easily.
2.    Keep your goals were you can see them so you can read them once in the morning and once at night.
3.    Every day that you stick to your plan… Celebrate, acknowledge your progress, do something that stirs very positive emotions. We humans love rewards and acknowledgement and we don’t do it enough for ourselves. Now you have psychologically set yourself up to win.
4.    At the end of the month or whatever time frame you have set and you have achieved your goal, do something extra special for yourself and this should have been decided at the beginning before you even started with day one.
You can do this with literally anything you set your sights on. You have the ability to become a Goal Achieving machine.
None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper, which is heard by him alone.
Ralph Waldo Emmerson
This can be a double edge sword. We all talk to ourselves inside our own heads. There is usually one of two conversations going on in our head when we are thinking of doing something to improve our circumstances.
Either we have the voice that tells us all the reasons we can’t do something… I’m to old, I’m to young, I’m not smart enough, I don’t have enough money, etc, etc. You get my point. These are all conditioned responses from past negative programming, weather it be your parents, friends, teachers or the nightly news telling you what’s not possible. It doesn’t matter. What a person needs to do is look at the proof out there of regular people like you and me succeeding in ways even they could not have imagined. Many had circumstances that make your own excuses look like a stubbed toe.
Or we have the voice that creates the picture of your burning desire. You know the vision you have after you buy a lottery ticket or ask yourself, how would I live if I were rich. Do you know that the vision that comes to your mind is more then likely with in your reach if you only acted on it? That’s worth saying again. Do you know that the vision that comes to your mind is more then likely with in your reach if you only acted on it? This question in itself will reveal a lot. When you read the question, what comes to mind? Was it, that could never happen for me, that only happens to other people or something of that nature? Or was it, you know maybe if I found the right thing, learned from people who have already achieved what I want, maybe, just maybe it will happen for me.
The truth of the matter is: Henry Ford once said, If you think you can or if you think you can’t, either way you’re right.
I learned along time ago that I had to be the gatekeeper to my own mind. Do you read inspiring, instructional, motivational books? Do you surround yourself with people that support your dreams or pee on your cereal? Everything you need to know to become an overwhelming success at anything is already out there. The only ingredient missing is you. Here are some of the free resources I use to keep my thinking straight.
Here is another great article for some guidance if your looking to build an income from home MLM - New Rules For Success In 2011

About George Walters: I'm an Internet Marketing success coach, Social Marketing, Copywriting, Email Marketing and a Certified Consultant for a private Financial Education company. I'm a Husband, Father, lover of the outdoors, Dog lover, Fishing is my passion;